Aylsham In Bloom
Aylsham in Bloom is a voluntary organisation that relies on donations of time, plants and money to install, plant and maintain flower tubs and flower beds in Aylsham. The aim is to enhance the attractiveness of the town.
In 2018 the Bloom team were pleased to help Aylsham gain a Gold medal in the Anglian regional Britain in Bloom competition.
In summer, town centre businesses compete in the annual Traders’ Competition with their external floral displays. The judge is usually someone from the media or a horticultural professional. As well as picking what they think is the best overall display there is an additional competition; the ‘Inside Out’ competition. This is for the best external floral display that reflects the business in the building. For example the Red Lion Music Shop has musical symbols on their pots; Broadland Framers grows flowers in picture frames; the florist Lavenders Blue has a wall of colourful blossoms and “Henry” hoover is a regular feature outside JB Postle the electronics retailer.
Aylsham in Bloom works collaboratively with local organisations. For example: volunteers provide a Royal Horticultural Society outreach programme to the High School; the Army Cadets helped refurbish the roundabout; the Cubs helped plant new flower beds at the Drill Hall; Rotary funded a bench and flower tubs by the Manor Close bus stop.
Aylsham Town Council provide an allotment at Bure Meadows that Bloom run as a community allotment. Anyone that helps with sowing, planting and care of the crops takes a share of the harvest. If you are interested please get in touch.
The major fund-raiser for Aylsham in Bloom is a town-wide ‘Open Gardens’ event held biennially. The next ‘Open Gardens’ will be in 2024.
Aylsham in Bloom and the Aylsham Heritage Centre are both part of the Aylsham Community Partnership, a registered charity (number 1166514).

New volunteers are always welcomed.
If you would like to get in touch please use the contact form at www.aylshaminbloom.weebly.com
or use our Facebook page