What's On in the Town Hall
Find out about local group meetings, theatre productions and films that are held in the Town Hall on a regular basis
Local Groups - Regular Hirers
Aylsham WI - Meetings held the first Thursday of each month for more details of Aylsham WI https://norfolk.thewi.org.uk/find-wi/aylsham
Aylsham Flower Club - Meetings held the second Wednesday of each month for more details https://www.facebook.com/Aylsham-and-District-Flower-Club-825199667812663/?ref=py_c
Aylsham Country Market - Cafe and stalls selling home baked, home grown and hand crafted local goods every Friday 8.30am - 12.00pm for more details https://www.facebook.com/AylshamCountryMarket/
Aylsham Picture House - Film screenings with refreshments held the penultimate Friday of each month for more details http://www.aylshampicturehouse.com/
u3a - Meetings held on the fourth Tuesday each month. For more details

Food Pop-Ups at the Town Hall
(Subject to change depending on the food provider)
Lawless Pizza are outside the Town Hall every Friday evening from 5pm.
Pre-order your pizza on Facebook @lawlesspizza or call 07957 773488